

The Latest Pejorative of the Elite

The wave of so-called populism sweeping India is actually a democratic awakening of the masses, says Ram Madhav

Nick of Time

The final day of the Eden Test had the drama and rhythm of a football match breathing on added time. It was a singular sight, where time was of the essence in Test cricket

Padmavati: The Legend of the Queen

From Rajput valour to nationalist heroism, the story of Padmavati has a rich socio-cultural tradition

Why Roy Moore and the California textbook battle highlight democracy’s demons

In the age of Donald Trump, virtually every day has become a vivid reminder of how tribalistic American society has become

The Fall of Man

And a new moral system in the making

Rahul, Akhilesh and Wild Asses

Shah takes a call on Himachal | Sex and the Congress | Kapil Sibal's backflip on poll symbols | A pyrrhic Congress gain

A Question of Tendency

Why the outrage over Sri Sri’s advice to a homosexual student is an overreaction


A judicial spat, a lawyer's generosity and the fall of Vijay Jolly

Feelin’ Blue

The despair of being an Azzurri fan


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