

Open Diary

Swapan Dasgupta

The dynamics of election management

April Is Not the Cruellest Month

Spring is also a season of love and romance amid the blooming flowers

Raghuram Rajan: ‘There’s anger at the elite’

Siddharth Singh in Open conversation with Raghuram Rajan

Robert Mapplethorpe: Fire and Light

The hypnotic aura of Robert Mapplethorpe’s photographs triumphs over petty public morality

Truth: The Changing Paradigm

Truth is immutable but the combined knowledge, interpretation and development of society have led to its shifting planes

Modi Versus Not Being Modi

They tell us a lot about how bad the chowkidar is but nothing about how good they are

True Lies and Fake News

The pointlessness of social media regulation in the time of elections

Minimum Opacity

Urban reforms aren’t only about an alphabet soup of acronyms

Mumbai Notebook

The bridge collapse, The Gipsy Kings and remembering old friends


Advantage Modi and unpleasant affairs at DDCA


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