

2020: An Elegy

TP Sreenivasan

At year's-end, the resilience of the human spirit is predominant

User-Friendly God

Krishna remains a priceless gift to humanity

Sugathakumari (1934-2020): The Poet of Empathy

Her resolute campaign for environmental protection and the rights of women earned her the fame of an ecofeminist poet

Where Hagia Sophia and Twenty20 Matter

Political parties in Kerala unable to influence public opinion

The Freedom of the Ancients

A legacy strong enough for 21st century attitude to intimacy

Retirement Gambit

Time to take political sanyas

A Million Manufactured Mutinies

The Modi government should not compromise on core principles

Hope and Happiness

Sorrow cannot touch the learned person who has conquered his senses

The Mystery of Paneer’s Presence

What’s it doing among what Google says people searched the most in 2020?

Editor’s Note

The redundancy of resolutions and other Covid lessons


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