
Narendra Modi

Born on the Fifteenth of August

Makarand R Paranjape

The dreams that tie India and Sri Aurobindo

The Indian Rate of Reform

Establishing a new business, choosing what to consume and relatively lower taxes are still ideologically suspect

Free Pass

No one can meet Modi without a Covid-negative test

India Deserves a Better Opposition

And Congress is perhaps best suited to serve the purpose

The Party and the Parivar

A new coordinator adds to the efforts to strengthen the interface between RSS and BJP

Ram Temple: Land Problem

The controversy over Ram temple construction land deal

The Dalai Lama@86: Birthday Monk

Does Modi wishing him signal a change in India’s engagement with Tibet and its spiritual leader?

The Message in a Reshuffle

The BJP has pre-empted parties like SP that were trying to bring parties and groups representing numerically small castes into their fold

Kashmir: The Road from Gupkar

Will talks with mainstream leaders initiated by Narendra Modi pave the way for a long-lasting solution in Kashmir?

A Delayed Tryst with Destiny

India is still set to become the third largest economy by 2030


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