

The Art of Civilisation

From the sacred halls of the Renaissance

Musharraf’s Moment of Reckoning

Those cheering the death penalty for the former dictator need to exhale

Gained in Translation

The Prime Minister wants to follow the United Nations General Assembly translation system

Prabuddha Dasgupta: The Literary Photographer

Prabuddha Dasgupta compresses entire stories into his frames

Who’s Afraid of Owaisi?

In the Jharkhand election, Owaisi has been going by helicopter to address several rallies

A History of Forking Paths

The countdown to the post-post-World War II age has begun

The Historical Tangle

Agitation against the movie Panipat by Jats is the same old story

Food for Thought

No subsidy in Parliament canteen to hit real beneficiaries

Playing with Mozart

An unusual Western Classical duo injects fun into their concerts

The Day of the Dolphin

Riding the waves with a pod off the Omani coast


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