
social media

The Hashtag Generation

Sonali Acharjee

From career builder to status clincher, social media has made itself indispensable in small town India

Facebook’s Break-Up Tool

To ease the process of parting ways, even if only on social media, Facebook has created some new tools

Instagram Kids of Bollywood

The online sensation of star children

Draft Encryption Policy Withdrawal

With the relentless cries of invasion of privacy, the entire policy which sought access to all our activities online has been withdrawn

Is Nothing Sacred?

The limits and indispensability of free speech in the age of social media


Social media apps make romance easier for India’s high-schoolers, posing a culture shock to parents

Too cool for school

What happens when the ideal student goes bad? You get Adarsh Balak as an internet sensation

Age of the clickactivist

Internet vigilantes come out with a new weapon of mass awareness: social experiment videos

The pleasures and horrors of the digital afterlife

Some people don’t log out even after they shuffle out of this mortal coil. The ethics, business and eerie effects of the digital spectre

Me, you and everyone we know—on Facebook

Are there any private moments left for us?


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