
social media

What’s in a profile picture?

Mihir Srivastava

When the virtual life collides with one’s real life, the outcome can be beyond the uploader’s control.

Tweet for tat

This election has seen leaders slug it out on social media like never before. Clever parodists and faceless trolls too were at play

Like it or not, you can buy it

Shopping in the black market of social media

Control Freaks

The National Integration Council’s strange unanimity on regulating social media to deal with riots

Scoring high, in 140 or less

What the social media activities of cricketers say about them

Strangers on our List

Collecting ‘friends’ on Facebook with whom we have nothing left to share.

Sex Is Uncool

Forbidden stuff may be why many visit the net, but ‘cool’ netizens associate only with the legit.


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