

Open Diary

Swapan Dasgupta

When it comes to food, middle-class Indians are inclined to be extremely conservative

Gluten Free? Think Again

The ultra-healthy way to become unhealthy

Of Pain and Palate

An epidemic can take us back to the traditional wisdom on what we eat


Eating scenes in films embody conflict or cooperation between the characters, inform or assign an individual or family’s place in society

Going Beetroot

Not feeling fruity? Go veg out

Bean There, Done That

India is catching up with the single-origin movement

India in 70 Ideas

An Indian in the ocean of notions

Colin Khoury: ‘We are all beneficiaries of ancient farmers in far-flung lands’

Colin Khoury, the author of  Origins of Food Crops Connect Countries Worldwide spoke to Open about the journey of foods and how globalization has given a spurt to it

Foreign Superfoods: The Global Gut

It is not surpising that foreign superfoods like chia and quinoa are now being grown on Indian soil. Just under half of what the country eats has its origins elsewhere


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