

Lost in the City

Madhavankutty Pillai

The sequel to Shantaram is irredeemably caught between pulp and literary

Everywoman Extraordinaire

This passionate tribute to Smita Patil celebrates the actress’ great instinct and intensity

Editor’s Cut

From Mukesh Ambani’s first interview to Manmohan Singh’s transformation, TN Ninan has had a ringside view of the India story. Now he has captured it between the covers

Forever Istanbul

Orhan Pamuk maps a man and a metropolis in his new novel that ticks every box of great fiction

The Novel and Its Discontents

Reading Marlon James’ Booker winning A Brief History of Seven Killings, a fireball of a novel, and wondering: What’s it that makes fiction great?

Medieval Alchemy

A war adventure where disparate elements are held together by clever plotting

Falling Leaves

Can tea survive coffee in India?

Urban Dystopia

Margaret Atwood’s take on freedom versus security gets lost amid a pack of Elvis Presley sex robots

Slapdash Sexuality

A thoughtless potboiler of a novel that doesn’t ask moral questions of its characters

To Break an Absurd Record

Two friends take a leap of faith in this fictionalised memoir


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