

Carry on Doctor

A personal history of medicine

Female Fury

Militancy as a gender study

Masih Alinejad: ‘What made me different was that I took action’

Iranian activist-journalist Masih Alinejad reveals the importance of saying no to repressive regimes in her memoir

The First Argumentative Indian

Adi Shankara embodied the spiritual power of ideas

Higher Calling

Imagining the Himalayas

Beyond the Fear Factor

The emotional quotient of politics

Command and Control

Do technology-driven comforts make us more vulnerable?

Deborah Levy: ‘A book without desire is a depressed book’

Deborah Levy, author of ‘living autobiographies’, feels happiest by the ocean and in a room of her own

The Enchanted Explorer

The fabulous and the factual merge seamlessly in Shubhangi Swarup’s first novel


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