

It’s Not All That Bad

An argument against negativity

Waiting for the Barbarians

The retreat of states and the politics of the future

Poet as Pathologist

Gieve Patel’s cityscapes are both a celebration and a defence of Mumbai

What Next?

A physicist’s ruminations on the human quest for an eternal afterlife

Behind the Curtain

The unsung heroines of the Mughal era

Modern Marriages in Mumbai: The Unfulfilled Lives of Others

Elizabeth Flock tracks the moods and messiness of modern marriages in Mumbai

An Inspired Flight

Ambitious and earnest, Amitabha Bagchi’s new novel faces up to our times

Lost in Court

The book could have been a valuable intervention in the current judicial debate

Upamanyu Chatterjee: Oddball Savant

On the 30th anniversary of the book that launched him, Upamanyu Chatterjee seeks his own revenge by shooing away holy cows with a new novella


Rachel Cusk with her trilogy completes an extraordinary journey in fiction


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