


Slam No 15, according to the 'rest'

Need for Safeguards on Indian Roads for Children

India needs to bring in laws to check this menace

Overdoing A Point

Why Black Panther does not deserve a Best Picture nomination for the Oscars

Mumbai Notebook

The Tata Mumbai Marathon and the decline of bus travel


Arun Jaitley's medical check-up, the turbans seen in Parliament and Suhel Seth's conspicuous absence 

‘Trump has a boyish crush on Putin,’ says Simon Sebag Montefiore

Nandini Nair in conversation with Simon Sebag Montefiore, historian and novelist

Amy Adams: ‘Crime shows on TV are insomnia inducing’

Noel de Souza  in conversation with Amy Adams

Brexit Lessons

When parliament subverts popular choice

Eyes Wide Open

The BSP-Samajwadi lesson for successful marriages between human beings

Open Diary

When Parliament lets us down


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