

The Passion of Manzoor Pashteen

Francesca Marino

The 25-year-old Pashtun tribal leader is charismatic and defiant, much to the anguish of the powerful Pakistani army

The Rise of Rashmi Thackeray

The power beside the throne

Bangabandhu at 100

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman believed Bangladesh could be the Switzerland of the East. It is time to reclaim that belief

Body Is Destiny

Power and authority in the wake of coronavirus

Is it the New Normal?

Change has been relentless since the BJP’s big victory in the 2019 General Election, creating a political volatility India has not experienced in a long time

Healthy Menu

Several Members of Parliament have reportedly taken to diet foods


A message about the need for civil engagement on social media

Reading Mahfouz after Mubarak

People can be forgiven for not airing their political views in public

An Idea Between the Covers

America was the New Jerusalem. It is still the Promised Land. That is not a complete picture but it is how the America we know began. From Henry James’ wilderness with ‘nothing’ in it, the US quickly grew to lead the world, economically, militarily and intellectually. A big country, a lot of things have happened in its brief timeline, and everything has mattered. Below is a list of 10 books, fiction and non-fiction, that span most of the country’s history as the ‘United’ States of America and explain how it was made—and continues to be remade

Cricket Fan

Mohan Bhagwat’s leisure consists of watching cricket matches and listening to old Hindi songs


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