
Narendra Modi

Who is an Indian?

Siddharth Singh

The amended citizenship law clears the path to the naturalisation of persecuted minorities in India’s neighbourhood even as misplaced alarmism portrays it as anti-Muslim

Lunch And Crunch

Amarinder Singh's lunch diplomacy

What Happened at the Meeting?

One NCP leader is claiming that Sharad Pawar in fact told Modi not to rely on Ajit Pawar

Where is the Hindu Right Going?

Look who’s eroding the Modi ecosystem

Cultivating Constitutional Morality

As the Constitution turns 70, its spirit needs to be guarded not only by parliamentarians but also by the people with utmost sacredness

Calling American Media

US media’s antipathy

Monumental Moments with Modi and Patel

October is a very important month in Modi’s calendar

Open Conversation with Vijay Seshadri, Poet

‘If you want to look at Modi in a historical context, you would say, ‘Well, you can trace him all the way back to the Tulsi Ramayana,’ says Vijay Seshadri

Imran Khan’s Choice

Pakistan's Prime Minister puts the spotlight on contentious issues in South Asia


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