

Jeet Thayil: A Poet’s Fiction

Nandini Nair

Jeet Thayil’s new novel is inhabited by troubled storytellers. The novelist talks about his art and life in a conversation with Nandini Nair

Master Minds

Three veterans won’t let you go

Rupi Kaur: Life in Lower Case

What is it that makes the poetry of Rupi Kaur insta-sensational?

Karl Ove Knausgaard: Master of the Mundane

The cult of Karl Ove Knausgaard reveals a milder side

A Note of Dissent

Where politics is a theatre of the absurd

The Ban That Must Not Be

The Adivasi Will Not Dance tells of a Santhal worldview that is all too often ignored

A Passage to America

An immigrant finds his place of mind—like the author himself

The Perfect Murder

A much abused genre in India is reaching a sense of literary maturity

Amitav Ghosh, Author

Universal Mind

Vivek Shanbhag, Author

Intimate Protest


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