

Ruskin Bond: The Solitary Reaper

Nandini Nair

Ruskin Bond relives his journey from the isolation of childhood to the home he found in the hills

Man on the Run

A brisk and informative account of Osama bin Laden’s years in hiding after 9/11

Tantric Twist

The possibilities of the occult in fiction

The Arc of Optimism

Two books that show the danger of making extreme, and often ideological, assumptions in economics


Power and Pelf

Ten accidental globalists who were driven by the idea of conquest

Dancing up a Storm

The story of a performer who dared

And Then There Were None

Four storytellers redeem the modern whodunnit by defying the familiar props of the genre

Once Again

A riveting retelling of the Nanavati case

Arundhati Roy: The Utmost Unhappiness of Being Indian

Arundhati Roy’s second novel in twenty years retains her original magic even as it becomes an overwrought political project


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