

Open Diary

Enoch Powell has been condemned less for what he said than how he said it

An Indian Story in Stone

From true marvels of architecture, we have moved to building tall claims of past greatness

Questions on the Couch

Her apology apart, the views of Saroj Khan are here to stay

The Bane of Belated Justice

Efficient dispute resolution is an integral component of good governance

Mumbai Notebook

Heat in the city, a bonanza for builders and a tribute to our real heroes


The lawyer-politician who put his party in a fix and the TV channels that cried wolf over a cash crisis

Eat Your Way to Heaven

The link between feasting and thinking right

Being Human in the Second Wave of Enlightenment

Maybe it doesn’t take a trend, a sweeping narrative of doom, to diminish humanism. An Asifa or a Masa will do

Cash 22

The recurring fallout of demonetisation


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