

Protection is Not Pleasure

Madhavankutty Pillai

On the reaction to condom ads being banned on television from 6 am to 10 pm

Mumbai Notebook

A tribute to Shashi Kapoor


The low Rajya Sabha attendance of celebrities and the sad case of a forgotten grandfather

Wrestling Pedigree

When Triple H reached the edge of the ring, grown men with weak knees hoisted children of all sizes and combusted into raptures. For, any second now, Triple H was going to spit a mouthful of water on them

Inhouse Rumble Against Dynasty

Taking Keshav Maurya with a Pinch of Salt | Singing a New Raga | Running for Cover in Gujarat | Barack Obama, the Greenback Boogie |

The Marry Go Round

On meaningless social integration schemes that get pointless tweaks

The Gujarat Moral

The campaign for Modi is a rite of thanksgiving as well

Mumbai Notebook

AC Grayling’s talk on God at the Mumbai International Literary Festival


A lucky economist, a chief justice's love for publicity and a chief minister's drunken words


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