

No Spectator Sport

Sporting events resume to virtual audiences cheering on their teams and TV broadcasts with crowd sounds punched in

Trade as a Weapon of War

The rest of the world has to figure out a way to disarm the Chinese economic juggernaut

Who Exactly is the ‘Other’?

A swift tour of India’s memorable cultural trends in literature and movies

The Relevance of Lord Rama

On why the quest for the ideal man ended with Him

Growth in the Time of Corona

What should India’s economic priorities be during and in the aftermath of Covid-19?

The Scent of India

Smelling my way through a cultural maze

The Great Indian Way

The rebuilding of the Ram temple is the triumph of resacralisation

The End of Emotionalism

Development is the only alternative

The Usual Ailment

On unpaid Covid health insurance claims in a dysfunctional system


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