

In Defence of Livelihood

Madhavankutty Pillai

And the case against any further lockdowns, no matter how tempting they seem

India Connection

Both the US president-elect and the vice president-elect have an India link

Covid-19 Vaccine

Tamp down hope of an early normalisation

Black Noise

Reading Don DeLillo in the time of a pandemic

Trump, the Golfer

A handicap and an incentive for the American president

How Chekhov’s works influenced 20th century Hindi literature

Giants of Hindi literature such as Munshi Premchand, Rajendra Yadav and Banarasidas Chaturvedi were enamoured of the works of the Russian playwright and short-story writer

The Nehru Appeal

For posterity, he remains a subcontinental giant who bestrode the global stage

The Sacred Feminine

Tantric approaches to a misinterpreted goddess

Next Target West Bengal

What lessons for Bengal can the BJP learn from Bihar?

Out of Favour?

Sushil Modi and Ram Madhav


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