

The Big Daddy Government

Anil Dharker

Over eight million Indians have been vaccinated in one month

The Godforsaken Country

The famous Kalkaji Mandir in south Delhi, daily attracting thousands of devotees, is mired in a bitter fight over the rival claims to perform puja

The Toolkit of Dissent

Righteous and unforgiving, the dissident is the new ideologue

The Heteropolar Challenge

India needs a coherent legal framework to deal with non-state players like Greta Thunberg and Disha Ravi

Mao’s India Alarm

Were IAF’s ‘Black ops’ flights over Xinjiang during 1960-62 one of the causes of the 1962 war?

Walking the Campaign

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised Mamata Banerjee for her disciplined physical exercise regimen

The Limits of Knowledge

Learning to recognise the constraints we live under

In Shiva’s Shelter

A devotee gets both worldly pleasure and emancipation

The Perils of Moral Arbitration

On the Indian government threatening to arrest Twitter’s employees

The Mother of All Elections

A fierce do-or-die confrontation between the doughty Mamata Banerjee and the BJP


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