

Aditya Thackeray: The New Sainik

Lhendup G Bhutia

The Thackeray scion breaks the family tradition to contest elections

Pawar Play

Sharad Pawar, one of India’s wiliest politicians, is getting back at the BJP by putting a wedge in their alliance with the Shiv Sena

Second Thoughts

A philosophical appraisal of Gandhi’s outlook and ideas

Guru Darshan

The 1925 dialogue between Mahatma Gandhi and Sree Narayana Guru was a pleasant precursor to the acrimonious Gandhi-Ambedkar debate of the 1930s

King and the Mahatma

Gandhi in African American eyes

Howdy, Gandhi

There will always be a Gandhian piece of wisdom to make your politics not retro-cool but smart and urgent

Kashmir: The End of Victimhood Politics

Article 370: Chronicle of a death foretold

Minority Report

Fear has stayed part of the lives of Kashmiri Pandits who did not leave in 1990

Swadeshi Worship

India has imposed restrictions on incense sticks coming from China

Modi’s Master Stroke

Apologising, after all, is intrinsic to Indian culture


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