

Manipur: The Geography of Change

Dhiraj Nayyar

A state of opportunity, not challenge

The Doon Spool

It’s advantage BJP and a rudderless Congress has no counter-argument

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

The symbolism of Atal Bihari Vajpayee

The Myth of Islamic Exceptionalism

The struggles and failures of liberalism are not religion-specific

What’s Wrong With Democracy

Will the rule of knowers save the world?

Anthem Agony in Kerala

Detentions, confusion, politics and more

O Panneerselvam: From Night Watchman to Captain

O Panneerselvam, famous for being loyal, emerges as Tamil Nadu’s chief minister

It Takes a Village to Redefine Power

It’s quite cool for some professionals to forsake cities for grassroots politics

How Social Media Is Shaping the New Political Order

Media partners in the politics of change for better or worse


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