
Narendra Modi

Economic Reforms: The Growth and Gloom Story

Siddharth Singh

Beyond the magic figure of 7.6 lies the bigger challenge for the Modi Government

Is It BJP’s Mahatma Moment?

The party is growing as rapidly as the Congress did when Gandhi was at the helm

Chabahar And the Great Game

The geopolitical significance of the India-Iran deal

Congress: The Dead Old Party of India

A verdict that magnifies the irrelevance of the Congress and strengthens the modernisation agenda of the Prime Minister

Arvind Kejriwal: A Bitter Year in the Capital

How the Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has become a full-time attack dog

Mohammad Imran Khan: Applied Wisdom

A school teacher from Alwar, he builds free educational apps in his spare time that have been downloaded 43 lakh times

Krishna Gopal: Heartland Whizz

Though he keeps a low profile, his is a voice taken very seriously by the Central Government

Vivek Dehejia: The Debunker

He is a hard-nosed economist known for his incisive commentaries on India and economic trends

Swapan Dasgupta: Getting it Right

An advocate of ‘civilised debate’ in the polarised political climate

The Hindu Tea Party: Can Narendra Modi Ignore It?

They are more Hindu than the so-called Hindu lunatic fringe, and they are growing in size and influence


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