
Narendra Modi

GST: The Life and Times of a Bill

Siddharth Singh

The travails of the GST Bill bring out the best and the worst of Indian politics. Will Congress buckle under isolation?

As Modi Embraces the World

Limits of personalised diplomacy

Cabinet Reshuffle: No Distraction Please

Narendra Modi sets his priorities straight with a Cabinet reshuffle that rewards performance and punishes the deviants

Knocking at Nuclear Doors

India’s unsuccessful effort at Seoul to gain NSG membership offers lessons on increasing the country’s global clout

The Minimum Leader: The Unravelling of Arvind Kejriwal

Two years on, it is becoming apparent that Arvind Kejriwal is no breakaway from the typical mould of the politician as deception artist

Noonday’s Children

Stories of new Indian youth who don't accept that they are born with a handicap of caste, village or class

Dont’t Burn the Book of Freedom

Has Indian democracy fully tapped the creativity of the Constitution?

Being a Gandhi in the Time of Modi

India has changed but it is a change that Sonia Gandhi is ill-equipped to cope with and Rahul Gandhi is incapable of comprehending


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