

The Dharmic Devi

Bibek Debroy

The meaning of liberation and devotion as told to Himalaya

Shiva’s Secret

The Ishvara Gita shows the way to eternal peace

Hyderabad: Liberation or Integration Day?

The TRS and the BJP lock horns over 75 years of Operation Polo

A Passage to Varanasi

The philosophy and geography of soul cleansing

The Many Faces of Rudraksha

There is more to the sacred seed than what you read on the internet

The Power of Rudraksha

The Shiva Purana and the quest for liberation

The Theology of Liberation

The Shiva Purana is the key to saving the fallen

In Shiva’s Shelter

A devotee gets both worldly pleasure and emancipation

Olá Goa

An allocation of Rs 300 crore to mark the 60th anniversary of the state’s liberation from the Portuguese is evidence of its outsized influence

A Moment of Liberation

Hitting the highway after aprolonged period of pseudo-incarceration


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