

Open Diary

Swapan Dasgupta

The problem of language in higher education

The Foreigner’s Home

To what do we pay greatest allegiance? Family, language group, country, gender? Religion, race? And if none of these matter, are we urbane, cosmopolitan, or simply lonely?

I’m Not a Traitor

A lot can be gained in translation

Memojis: Sign Language 2.0

Emojis, animojis and now memojis are changing the way we communicate online

Lawrence Osborne: ‘Sensuality drives everything in travel’

Novelist and traveller Lawrence Osborne on the art of seeing and writing

At Home

A  journey after the Bangladesh War

A Home-Grown Page

Remembering an eclectic mind of allusive style

Language Outreach

Urdu claims its rightful place as a voice of the people

Hindi Medium Movie Review

Irrfan Khan is the kind of actor who could bring life, if he chooses, into a film called Russian Medium, set in Saint Petersburg

Open Diary

A visit to Heidelberg | Death of Indology in India


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