

Is it the New Normal?

Sudeep Paul

Change has been relentless since the BJP’s big victory in the 2019 General Election, creating a political volatility India has not experienced in a long time

Clash of Opinions

The dangers of a networked society

Facts and Fear

Between the relentlessness of the winner and the resentment of his opponents

A Class Apart

The future of India too will be written by its middle class

The Backstory of our Anxieties

We are still living in the changes authored by the years 1979 and 1989

Anger Management

The Indian street needs a new fighter, not from the closed books of religion. Nor from the ghost houses of ideologies

A Brief and Biased History the Decade

How do we want to remember 2010-19?

A History of Forking Paths

The countdown to the post-post-World War II age has begun

On Gandhi and Gandhism

By his actions, Gandhi demonstrated the power of the powerless catapulting him as an icon of thought leadership for all times to come

Being Doubtful in a Secular World

The history of Indian disbelief adds a wrinkle to the story of modernity


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