

Female Fury

Adil Bhat

Militancy as a gender study

Cambridge Analytica: The Foreign Hand

A proposal by the tainted Cambridge Analytica details how it can revive the Congress

The Blind Men of the Home Ministry

CRPF soldiers fighting insurgents on the ground reveal a horror story of official ignorance and apathy

Reborn in Trans-Beauty Salon

Transgenders break new ground in Chhattisgarh in a state government initiative

Teejan Bai: The Moody Diva

The story of Pandavani exponent Teejan Bai is as captivating as her performance that brings the Mahabharata to life

Is It the End of the Road for Maoists?

The Road to Jagargunda: The Indian state’s final push in the Maoist heartland. A special report from Dantewada (Photos: Raul Irani)

The Return of God

The eleventh century Dholkal Ganesha rises from the ruins in the Maoist heartland. Rahul Pandita writes from the site of a vandalisation in Dantewada, Chhattisgarh

Best Indian States for Business

Gujarat, said the report titled Assessment of State Implementation of Business Reforms, is the most business friendly Indian state


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