

She Power

Nandini Nair

Drawing the intimate and the taboo with wit and wisdom

Spotting Chatwin and Other Delights in Jaipur

Tishani Doshi keeps an ear out at the world’s biggest literary carnival

Gender and Geography

Being feminine is so natural in this celebration of the Northeast

National Portrait

Meghnad Desai holds a mirror to the oneness of India’s multiple identities

The Enduring Food Fantasy

A good cookbook does more than just offer recipes or re-create lost worlds

Davos Diary

Dispatch from the Magic Mountain

Alyssa Ayres: ‘‘Nothing is guaranteed as India looks to its future’’

Open Conversation with Alyssa Ayres, Senior fellow for India, Pakistan and South Asia, Council on Foreign Relations, US

Wheel of Time

Who keeps Kalachakra in the modern world?

Homeward Bound

Manohar Shetty’s confessional poems are responses to domesticity and the charms of Goa. The poet in conversation with Urvashi Bahuguna


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