

Henry Eliot: ‘There is something comforting about the classics when you feel uncertain about your own time’

Editor and author Henry Eliot tells how literature expands our experience of what it means to be human

Generation Forward

The future of politics in 16 compelling profiles

It’s the Ideology, Stupid!

The twists and turns of an Indian political plot

Homeward Bound

Belonging and outsider-ness in books from the Northeast

Feroze Varun Gandhi: ‘We’ve gone from medievalism to post-modernism without really having a civilisation in between’

Feroze Varun Gandhi attempts to correct the ill effects of historical processes through his tome on rural distress

Fatima Bhutto: ‘I like women who are not afraid to cut down giants’

The new novel by Fatima Bhutto returns to questions of identity and power. She talks to Shikha Kumar about the politics of imagination

We the People

Accidental activists tackle climate change

Family Therapy

Steve Jobs’ daughter wrests control from her famous father and heals a complex relationship

Ruskin Bond: Man on the Hill

India’s most beloved writer remembers

The Rafale Tales

The accuracy of the statements made by individuals may be questioned but circumstances never lie


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