

The Piazza and the Car Park

The genius of market activism is that it doesn’t reject the terminology of literary value; it disinherits and revivifies it, making it a powerful code

The Ban That Must Not Be

The Adivasi Will Not Dance tells of a Santhal worldview that is all too often ignored

Erotic Forever

Sex and sensuality in Indian imagination over the ages

Natural Instincts

The greening of Indira Gandhi

Our Man in Washington

An excavation of what has gone wrong with America’s South Asia policy over the years

Worlds Apart

Fantasy and realism meet in this debut to mixed effect

Epic Women

A modern retelling of a myth juxtaposes fate, morality and power with feminism

Browsing and Buying in New York

From the connoisseur to the casual visitor, everyone is welcome

Country Report

Inconsistent but illuminating essays on an India shifting right

A Passage to America

An immigrant finds his place of mind—like the author himself


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