

Why a section of India Inc can’t cope with Modi

A whisper campaign is on against the man India Inc once feted as their redeemer

The drug lady of Mumbai

Baby Patankar, who introduced Meow Meow to the city and was arrested on 22 April, is said to be worth over Rs 100 crore

Crowdsourcing: The generosity of strangers

With the Indian ice hockey team successfully raising funds online to go for a tournament abroad, crowdsourcing comes of age in India

Every dog has its day

A rare breeder comes to the rescue of the Rajapalayam hound, the storied hunting companion from south India


Madhavankutty Pillai • V Shoba • Lhendup G Bhutia • Shubhangi Swarup • Rishad Saam Mehta • Rajni George • Haima Deshpande • Sneha Bhura

Rahul Bhatia: High Flier

The man who runs Indigo, India's most successful airline. A portrait


The Supreme Court decision to take Jats off the Central OBC list means that the Jats of Bharatpur and Dholpur districts don’t get the benefit of reservations that others of the community do in Rajasthan

The Road to Somewhere

Whether you want to hear the cracking of glaciers or have lions look through your car window, one of these could be the road trip of a lifetime

Just Feel It

The stories of disparate journeys, but with abiding memories

Go Rural

From bullock rides to folk dances, a village experience that farmers in Maharashtra are offering can be an enduring memory


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