
Cover Stories

The Evolution of the MBA

The coming together of management and technology

IIM Ahmedabad: Ahead of the Curve

The case method of teaching is a key differentiator that has made the institute world-class

IIM Bangalore: Theory and Practice

A pioneer in diversity and inclusion

Constant Innovators

Management education must reflect the rapidly changing ecosystem just as Ericsson made digital readiness its go-to operating model

Smooth Driving

Maruti Suzuki is an example of the dynamic integration of business and the classroom

The Digital Degree

How B-schools have adapted to Covid

Top-Ranked Indian Business Schools

The Indian Institutes of Management continue to top the list of premier B-Schools at a time when management education is rapidly evolving

IIM Calcutta: The Democracy of Decisions

Debate is key to critical thinking and self-expression at the oldest Indian Institute of Management

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!

The biggest challenge for B-schools is to meet the demands of Industry 4.0

The Trail of Trauma

The pandemic has seen an increase in cyberbullying. Experts feel a lot more needs to be done to help victims overcome the often life-altering psychological scars


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