
Cover Stories

Bourse Correction

My bullishness on the India story remains unshaken

Our challenge was to make a Budget for a very buoyant economy: Nirmala Sitharaman

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in conversation with PR Ramesh and Rajeev Deshpande

Future Smart

Budget 2022 is the first building block in a twenty-five-year plan for an unprecedented makeover of India

Vision for a Mission

The proof of responsible fiscal behaviour

India Connected

The objective is to create synergies and reduce friction that harms economic efficiency

The End of Unpredictability

A breakout Budget reveals the prime minister's political confidence

Nation Building (New Version)

Modi knows that India’s inequalities cannot be measured by economics alone

Top Business Schools under Private Universities

The OPEN-KANTAR B-School survey ranks premier institutes of management at private universities across zones and states

Five Myths About How India Votes

Every election season, interest groups revive old political tropes that are long past their relevance. With five states holding assembly polls in February and March, this year is no exception. The electorate, however, seems to have moved on

Rethinking MBA

It is time for Indian management institutions to compete and tap new opportunities


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