
Cover Stories

Her Own Superstar

Listen to ‘Aye Mere Watan ke Logon’ in the silence of solitude and you will break down as everyone else has done at some point or the other

An Art of Meditation

She was simply magical behind the mike, and she wasn’t afraid to make mistakes or try something new. Her understanding of music was beyond ragas and talas, it was deeper than that

Sense and Sensibility

If the weight of the world’s expectations of rectitude from her was too much, Lata never let anyone feel it

The Echo of God

Lata was much more than the voice of India. She was the voice of humanity, cutting across cultures

Singing the Nation

We can begin to have a better conception of the extraordinary place of Lata in the life of the nation when we imagine how she not only embodied the nation but sang the nation

Rising From the Ruins

The post-pandemic investment outlook in India is improving and high-tech industries will continue to attract FDI

Carbon Neutrality Goes Mainstream

Climate action and energy transition are now a part of the government’s growth push

Restructuring the State

Technology and infrastructure have been put at the forefront of economic growth while the role of government continues to shrink

Yoga and Kshema

Balancing ease of doing business and ease of living

Hard Choices

The slashing of key subsidies in agriculture was long overdue and signals the government’s seriousness about economic revival


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