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Deprecated: class-phpmailer.php is deprecated since version 5.5.0! Use wp-includes/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php instead. The PHPMailer class has been moved to wp-includes/PHPMailer subdirectory and now uses the PHPMailer\PHPMailer namespace. in /var/www/openmag/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5403

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Blog Posts Archive - Open The Magazine


Liberals’ Misplaced Fight

Vedant Mehra

How not to take on the Right

Terror and Alienation

Let’s break this vicious circle

Faults Along the 38th Parallel

Moon Jae and Donald Trump can help defuse tension in the Korean Peninsula

One Hundred Days of Trump

A hero we don’t deserve?

The Butterfly Effect of Politics

Did the ascent of Trump fuel the rise of right wing in Europe?

It’s Not Me, It’s You

Falling in love should be the most selfish act of your life

Fresh and Sexy

Nobody likes stale bread, or stale love. Is New Relationship Energy the answer?

Salman Khan: Out With Bollywood

Salman Khan, do the right thing; propose a sportsman’s name for the ambassador of Indian Olympic Association

Your Cupboard or Mine?

All grown up and nowhere to go

Odd-Even Scheme: Stop Complaining

For 15 years I have lived in this city and not owned a vehicle. The metro, a network of buses, autos, kaali-peelis, taxis and bhaiyas have been my lifeline


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