


Swapan Dasgupta

Catching up on YouTube broadcasts

The Captive Market

On foreign big tech companies and the question of monopolies

The Social South

With high literacy and internet reach, the southern states are driving demand for videos in regional languages

Kunal Kamra, Comedian

No Laughing Matter

Cringepop: Like Them Not

Suddenly cringepop is sensational

The New Indian CELEB

… is out there, high-wired and refreshingly ready to engage fans and critics in real time

The Jihadi Chic

The videotape jihad has been replaced by the YouTube jihad, and the geography of revolution has shifted from Afghanistan to Syria

The Absent Context

Shazia Ilmi and the perils of the hidden camera

The Viral Success of Online Parody Artists

YouTube could kill TV and movie stars in upper class India, if that hasn’t happened already


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