

The Carrier As the Cure

Lhendup G Bhutia

Can genetically modified and biologically tweaked mosquitoes eradicate dengue and malaria in India?

The Day of the Outsider

A deeply human account of decoding the ribosome

Mind and Matter

An intimate and scientific exploration of what makes us who we are

Playing with God

The use of Game Theory to better understand divine beings

Cosmic Enchantment

Once again inside the Black Hole with Stephen Hawking

Silence of the Scientists

A recently discovered letter by Galileo offers a clue to the tragic fate that befell the 16th century botanist Garcia d’Orta in Goa and reminds us of the value of freedom

Hail the Humanities

The importance of a well-rounded education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Rock Bottom of Origins

The ancestral story as written in a stone found in Odisha


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