
Sachin Pilot

The Come Back Spirit

Amita Shah

BJP hopes to return to power on the pledge of good governance even as Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot plays the populist card. Open reports from Rajasthan

Ashok Gehlot vs Sachin Pilot

It is highly unlikely Gehlot will oblige and step aside for his arch-rival to occupy the coveted chief ministerial gaddi

Pilot’s Choice

The BJP is believed to be in touch with several Congress leaders and considering whether it can get Pilot to switch sides and join the party

Congress 2022: War Dance in the Puppet Kingdom

Congress wants a regent, a placeholder for Rahul Gandhi. But who can combine political sagacity with a saintly heart? Ashok Gehlot, the loyal one, has weakened Sonia Gandhi at a vulnerable moment. If she relents, the aura of command gets blown apart. Congress has become a puzzled jigsaw rather than a jigsaw puzzle, a combination of small cardboard pieces that no longer add up to a coherent picture

Rewarding Betrayal

The Gandhis have eggs on their faces, while the Rajasthan chief minister holds all the cards

Trying to solve its party chief riddle, Cong creates a Rajasthan problem

Congress leadership miscalculates as official “favourite” Ashok Gehlot refuses to quit as chief minister and becomes the centre of a revolt by MLAs

No Ceasefire

Ashok Gehlot talked about the revolt of the ministers in the Pilot camp, named them and said they would now have to change their attitude

Possibility of a Return

Sonia Gandhi is still said to be personally warm towards Sachin Pilot and should he wish to return, she could facilitate it

Ashok Gehlot: The Desert Fox

The daring and durability of Ashok Gehlot

The Jaipur Jolt

Sachin Pilot becomes the face of rebellion in a party on the brink


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