

Reading in Sin

Arpita Das

If sexual explicitness caused the most outrage in the early phase of book bans in India, there was a point after which it became almost entirely about religion

The Guru Ambedkar

BR Ambedkar chose a religion rather than a political ideology to empower India’s Untouchables for a reason

A Religion for Our Times

There are things about F1 that put it ahead of mainstream religions in the faith stakes

Good News from Pakistan

The story of an unlikely Christian channel in Pakistan. If going on air was difficult, staying on air is something of a miracle.

A Brahmin Gives Jesus an Indian Makeover

And there is nothing contradictory or ironic about it, he would have you believe.

Islam and Cricket Betting

Why it is easier for a religious person to be immoral

‘There’s No God in My Closet’

Philip Pullman on giving a damn about offending people and the Satan within Jesus and all of us.

Jesus Christ Superstory

Philip Pullman’s is perhaps the most important novel yet of the still-young century. It’s a grand tragedy about two brothers—Jesus and Christ.

God Has Left Politics

There’s proof Indians are becoming more religious. Yet the days of politics based on religion seem to be over. What happened?

The Halal Way to World Peace

He is India’s most voluble Muslim on television today. Just who is Dr Zakir Naik?


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