

Sabarimala: Among the Believers

V Shoba

Kerala’s most visited temple has become a war zone for reformists and traditionalists following the Supreme Court verdict allowing young entry to the shrine

A Crisis of Faith: The Wages of Selective Secularism

The issue at Sabarimala is not about equal gender rights

The Conqueror of Destiny

A search in Benares for Brahmins, the twice-born, leads to an encounter with a young member of the aristocracy of the mind

A Tale of Two Temples

Sabarimala and Ayodhya: from the fluidity of Hinduism to the certainties of social engineering

Sabarimala: A Trek Too Far

How women who tried to go to Sabarimala after the Supreme Court judgment were forced to return by devotees who used children as shields

To Protect A God

The pointless agony of Sabarimala devotees hanging on to their past

Sabarimala: God and Citizen

Was Sabarimala the business of the Supreme Court?

Sabarimala: A Matter of Faith

Why the dissenting judgment is right

The Fifth Gospel

A forgotten biography of Jesus that was written for Akbar

Mumbai Notebook

The city's big celebration and Nandita Das' new film


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