

Is the Law Identical for All?

Will the military establishment, said to be in cahoots with the Supreme Court, ever restrain itself from imposing its power in tacit and blatant ways? Will the ruling elites ever be properly checked for wealth beyond apparent means?

The Fall of Nawaz Sharif

The story of Nawaz Sharif’s rise and fall is the story of contemporary Pakistan. For him, it matters little if it is the Army or the Court. History has moved in circles for him and yet another uncertain phase of his political career begins

Modi and Trump: Strongmen at Work

Modi and Trump pursue the art of the deal

Truth Beyond the Brotherhood

Cosy ties with the US cannot mask our security dilemmas

A Difficult Dateline

A part anthropological, part sociological and part vicarious portrait of a slice of Pakistan

Man on the Run

A brisk and informative account of Osama bin Laden’s years in hiding after 9/11

Who Lost Kashmir?

Five inconvenient truths about an over-Islamised Valley


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