
Narendra Modi

The Death of Rotten India

Dhiraj Nayyar

From black mark to gold standard


From paan shop to boardroom, money concentrates the mind

Nitish Kumar: Savvy Survivor

Nitish Kumar is cozying up to Modi. Why?

Modi in the Age of Rage

The art of thriving in adversity

How Social Media Is Shaping the New Political Order

Media partners in the politics of change for better or worse

Demonetisation Demythified

Of white, black and double black

Reversing the Gaze

India needs a non-JNU—but not based in Delhi please

War on Black Money: Freedom at Midnight

PR Ramesh tells the inside story of the war on black money—and how it will change India

Open Diary

The lack of intellectual diversity in English media

The Last White Backlash

With his flaxen mop and delicately gesticulating hands, Trump put his money on India long before the Republican Hindu Coalition discovered him


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