
Narendra Modi

Pawan Kalyan: ‘Naidu has lost control of governance’

V Shoba

V Shoba in conversation with Pawan Kalyan

Space Age Nationalist

In Modi’s India, the maximum leader is the most dutiful nationalist who makes the best use of democracy

R Ashwin’s Bad Week

Blindsided twice, a desire to win and a voting conundrum

Will its Hindu revivalist past haunt West Bengal’s future?

Ullekh NP travels across a state where the social base of one of India’s strongest regional leaders faces the challenge of subterranean Hindutva

I, Chowkidar

Is Modi riding an Everyman wave?

Modi Versus Not Being Modi

They tell us a lot about how bad the chowkidar is but nothing about how good they are


Advantage Modi and unpleasant affairs at DDCA

‘Pulwama attack and India’s response not indefinite substitute for all other issues voters care about’

Gilles Verniers, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Ashoka University and co-director at its Trivedi Centre for Political Data, spoke to Executive Editor Ullekh NP on dominant ideas in India's 2019 election campaign

Nationalism: Right on Time

Nationalism is back as a persuasive theme in this General Election


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