
Indian Navy

BC Dutt: The Good Sailor

Amita Shah

BC Dutt, who lit the spark for the Naval Mutiny of 1946, is still an animated memory

The Problem with Defence Acquisitions

The victim is national security

The Other Mutiny: 1946 Naval Rebellion

Spare a thought for the heroes of the 1946 naval rebellion

Once Again

A riveting retelling of the Nanavati case

Bombay Naval Mutiny: In a Forgotten Boat

Vivan Sundaram pays tribute to the Bombay Naval Mutiny

The Submarine Leak

Is a structurally unmodified Scorpene worth the risk?

Rustom Movie Review

The movie fails to entertain, just like the previous ones on the same theme

Something is rotten in the Indian Navy

Antiquated war ships. Delayed purchases. Power of middlemen. Political meddling. The Indian Navy is in troubled waters. An Open investigation


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