

Does Fate Exist?

Sharanya Manivannan

Stories shaped by bereavement, loss and abandonment

An Epic Challenge

The Mahabharata lives because of the questions it asks

The Limits of Knowledge

Learning to recognise the constraints we live under

The Arrow of Love

A secret for the Vedic minds

The Man and the Ideal

Arshia Sattar brings out the many shades of dharma in the Ramayana

The Enigma of Krishna

The origins and message of the Pandava Gita

Truth as the Beginning

Look beyond seers and sages to locate the origins of Indian thought

The Force of Destiny

When Yudhishthira enlightened his brothers on duty and action

The Book of Overcoming

What the old texts tell us about codes of behaviour and the creation of wealth in a calamity

A Road Map for the Ruler

The path to greatness according to the Vamadeva Gita


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