

Is Democracy a Vaccine?

MJ Akbar

Covid and the poligarchy of India

Editor’s Note

It was a year that made us wiser—and modest

The Democratic Pace of Reforms

Slow and steady change, with reasonable consensus, is more durable

Dharmocracy: Hindutva and Democracy

Deen Dayal Upadhyay gave democracy an indigenous foundation

Nobel Journalism

The ideological message of the prize is at odds with what is truly celebratory about it

The Virtuous Shaming

Liberals' failure to stand up for their values has enabled the new age of conformity

Independence to Republicanism

The contrasting styles of nationalism and citizenship

The Ideal Against the Political

The making—and the almost unmaking—of the Constitution

Three Cheers for Democracy

What matters most is not the divinity of elections but the dignity of winning as well as losing

Indira Gandhi’s Emergency

The impact has been so profound that it has become a shorthand term for almost anything that is viewed as undemocratic


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