

In Uddhav Thackeray’s Absence

Nobody expects to question the prolonged absence of the chief minister

Definition Is Destiny

Class, caste, gender, sexuality, age, language. Anything goes as long as the story is told well

Triumphs and Tears

The year India undid one hundred years of Olympic underperformance

The Return of Ravichandran Ashwin

Education has given him an edge over the others

The Lady of the Maidan

A candy seller brings back memories of cricket’s romantic past

Crying Shame

In a freak coincidence, three of Australia’s Test cricket captains have wept in public confessing their weakness and guilt

The Truth about David Warner

Cricket’s ‘Comeback Man’ shows there is more to him than the controversies

Being Rahul Dravid

Can he help India win its first major cricket title since 2013?


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