

In Defence of Livelihood

Madhavankutty Pillai

And the case against any further lockdowns, no matter how tempting they seem

Covid-19 Vaccine

Tamp down hope of an early normalisation

‘People of poorer nations have moral claim to be at the front of the queue when vaccines arrive’

Says Jonathan Kimmelman, Director of the Biomedical Ethics Unit, School of Population and Global Health, McGill University, Canada

The Covid Vaccines Are Coming

It is looking increasingly probable that by early 2021 vaccine rollouts will begin

The Virus and Democracy

How the East beat the West

Open Trade-off

The gross mishandling of the epidemic


A big cottage industry

An Elusive Therapy

Why is the gigantic medical industry unable to find a cure for Covid?

Be Patient

Being non-Covid patients in the time of a pandemic

Doctors Jumping Borders

With the disruption in corporate hospitals, underpaid medical professionals and neighbourhood nursing homes are stepping into the breach


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